New Year's has just passed, and lots of us have yet to make our resolutions! Here are a few great ideas from
Style at Home that you can implement now!
1 "I vow to install a programmable thermostat."
You can cut your home heating and cooling costs by about $180 this year alone!
Cut your energy use, shrink your carbon footprint!
2 "I resolve to turn my kitchen into a deeper shade of green by cooking vegetarian meals on Meatless Mondays!"
You’ll save money while expanding your cooking skills.
You’ll shrink your carbon footprint.
You’ll reduce your chance of cancer and heart disease.
3 "I’m going to grow my own herbs indoors on a sunny window ledge."
You'll save money by avoiding supermarket herbs that spoil so quickly in the fridge
There are proven health benefits of adding heart-smart antioxidants to home cooking (and reducing the need for extra fat and sodium).
Live plants provide air-purifying benefits indoors.
4 "I promise to dodge drafts by weather-stripping doors and windows, filling holes in the wall, and/or trading lightweight sheers for heavier winter-friendly draperies in velvet or Ultrasuede."
You'll cut energy costs.
It will improve home comfort – and style!