Tuesday, December 31, 2013

BTSH’s 2013 Reflections and 2014 Plans

To say that 2013 was an amazing year for Beyond the Stage Homes would be an understatement. A very special thank you to all of our wonderful clients – thank you for inviting us into your homes and allowing us to assist you with all of your home staging and interior design needs. Thank you especially for making us a part of your winning team!

To summarize this year’s milestones at BTSH:

January - attended RESA conference in San Mateo, CA for a weekend of inspirational speakers, workshops, and networking with fellow Home Stagers across North America

April - introduced the BTSH Home Staging Training Program - this ensures that all BTSH Home Stagers will provide a consistent, quality experience - every time

April - BTSH posted the new Home Stager position and received an overwhelming number of qualified applicants

May - Laura Hanna was selected as the next BTSH Home Stager

July - Laura Hanna completed her BTSH Professional Home Stager Training

May - BTSH's Shauna Lynn featured in popular local publication Grand Magazine

October - BTSH joined the BBB and was accredited with an A rating

December - Shauna Lynn selected as Top 10 Best Redesigns of the Year in North America by RESA for their 2014 Awards

A few notable accomplishments for the year overall: 

 - Total 2013 sales were more than double 2012 sales

 - Interior Design services accounted for approximately 60% of this year's sales

 - BTSH increased Home Staging inventory to accommodate the significant increase in Home Staging clients, and especially Vacant Staging Projects. BTSH now owns the largest inventory rental system in the Grand River area with approximately $100K in rental artwork, accessories, textiles, and furniture.

So what is ahead for BTSH in 2014?

 - Looking forward to a new stager joining the staff in January - stay tuned for details!

 - BTSH will be posting for another Home Stager position in the spring - please email info@btshomes.com if you would like to be notified of this posting

 - BTSH will also be looking to expand the interior design team in 2014 - details for this to be posted later in the year

- We will increase our focus even further on vacant staging projects

- A continued focus on client care and customer satisfaction to remain your top choice for Home Staging and Interior Design

Want to see more from BTSH? We are showcasing many of our works on Houzz, please be sure to check us out and follow us!

You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and of course at www.beyondthestagehomes.com

Contact Beyond The Stage Homes today to find out how to get your property sold!

Phone: +1 (226) 240-0766
Email: info@btshomes.com

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