A great way to organize your closets is with fun, decorative gift bags. This is also a great way to re-use those paper store bags. I use a number of different bags to store items such as my pedicure supplies, my craft supplies, paints, plastic bags, etc. It’s great for keeping everything you need for a project together, and keeps the closets looking clutter-free.
The best way to hang these great looking bags is with 3M command hooks. Let me first of all just start by saying that I do not work for 3M, nor are they a sponsor in any way, however I often feel like a spokesperson for them, as I absolutely love their command hooks. These hooks adhere to the wall with a plastic adhesive pad. They can hold a great deal of weight (each hook serves a different purpose and holds a different amount of weight – be sure to read the package carefully ensure you’re choosing the right one for your needs), and they remove from the walls without leaving any mark. I use command hooks to hang pictures for all my staging projects to avoid puncturing the walls.
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